Business mobiles have always been important aspects of a company’s efficiency, but in the current climate they are more vital than ever. With offices around the world working from home, it’s important to make sure that a lack of office presence doesn’t mean that your customers are being ignored. With remote working on the rise, let’s take a look at some of the benefits that business mobiles can provide you and your company.

Your office, anywhere

Did you know that nearly half of workers launch and host web conferences from their mobile devices? And that 66% of these people believe that their mobile device affords them more flexibility and freedom when conducting such calls? (Source: Applied Tech).


This is a far cry from the days when computer webcams were the only way of conducting video conferences. The portability of business mobiles mean that you can have many of the facilities that you would find at your office desk – but on the move and available at any time.


Business mobiles will allow your staff to be productive and efficient at all times, even when they’re away from their laptop. This means that the employees in your company can offer collaborative help and quality service to both colleagues and customers respectively – at any time of the day.

They’re a cost-effective alternative

If you have an employee that’s using their personal mobile for business matters, this can sometimes cause alot of headaches. Not only does the employee have to go through the process of submitting expense forms when lumped with extra charges, they also have to wait for the money to be reimbursed. As for the company, this process is often much more expensive in the long run than a business mobile plan.


Individual rates rarely offer the cost-effective solution that bulk purchases as a result of an efficient business mobile plan can offer. You can pay less on a per user basis if you pick the right tariff – and we’re here to help you with that!


At Telecom Solutions, we have many years of experience, which means we are able to guarantee customers the best possible mobile tariffs for your staff. You’ll be able to receive one comprehensive bill rather than several different expense claims!

They’re a mark of professionalism

A business mobile is a distraction-free alternative to a personal phone, which will often be buzzing with Facebook notifications and personal texts.


The aforementioned flexibility that comes with business mobile plans is a great way of showing your customers the value of your business and the service you provide. If you’re able to respond to your customers via emails and calls at different times of the day (including out of hours), you’ll stand out in your competitive industry.


If your customers are calling an empty office landline to no avail, you’ll lose their trust and the positive perception that they already have of you. You’ll risk looking unprofessional which may be incredibly detrimental. Business mobiles however will give your customers the perception that you’re always on hand to help them and answer their queries.


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